4- Show Solutions Single 48"X48" Drum Platforms
4- Show Solutions Inc DD-482424R, 24" Riser for Duro Deck Platforms Collapsable Riser Legs
4- Show Solutions Inc DD-484816R 16" Collapsible Riser
1- IntelliStage Carpeted Step Platform 3’x1’ + 8" Riser for Step Platform
2- 4’ x 8’ Riser Quickstage Platforms with 24" caster legs or 12" stationary legs
Lonely Dog Productions
Main PA & Stage Monitoring Options
Front of House and Stage Monitor Consoles
Stage Boxes, Split Snakes & Sub Snakes
Digital I/O Cards
Direct Boxes
The DAWg Houze
LED Stage Lighting Package
1- Obsidian Control Systems NX Wing USB Lighting Control Surface, ThinkCenter PC w/ keyboard & mouse + equipment rack
5- ShowPar 24 - LED Stage Light - SP24 RGB
2- RoadDog Quad 192 - RDQ192 - LED Stage Light
2- RoadDog Tour 162 - RDT162 - LED Stage Light
2- ColorVibe Quad 144 - CVQ144 - LED Stage Light
3- Colorvibe 108 Variable White - 36 x 3 - CV108vw
2- ColorVibe 36 - CV36 - LED Stage Light
3- MiniPar 54 v6- MP54v6 - LED Stage Light
2- MiniPar 54vw v6 - Variable White LED Stage Light
3- BigStik DJ - BSDJ - LED Stage Light
22- Lighting Fixture clamps
1- Blizzard Lighting AtmosFear Tour HZ, DMX-Controllable Hazer with Built-In Flight Case
4- ADJ Focus Spot One, Mover, New Focus Series, high powered 35 watt LED motorized focus
DAW Mobile Rig #1 -
Pro Tools | HD Native Thunderbolt | Ultimate software
Avid MTRX Studio ProTools DigiLink Audio Interface, w/ 64 I/O Dante
UAD Thunderbolt 3 Satellite Quad Core, 4xDSP Thunderbolt w/plugins
Apple Mac mini, 3.2GHz 6-Core i7 with 64GB DDR4, 1.0TB SSD, 802.11a/b/g/n/ac, macOS 10.14.x Mojave
Macally Mac Keyboard Full-Size and Logitech Trackman Mouse
Dual Screen Monitoring
DAW Mobile Rig #2 -
Avid Pro Tools 12 AAX native software
Apple Mac Mini late 2012, Core i7 2.3GHz, 16GB, 2x1TB,
dual screen monitoring, Apple keyboard & Magic mouse
Host of Plug-ins: UAD, Waves, Softtube, ADX Technology, Slate Digital, Avid, Sound Toys
2 API 512c 500 Series Microphone Preamp
1 Shadow Hills Industries Mono 500 Series Mic Pre
Radial Engineering Cube3-Slot Power-Rack
API discrete mic pre - Custom 512c
SPL CHANNEL-ONE channel strip-w 24/96 AD/DA
Dbx 160-X Compressor/Limiter - vintage
Dbx 120A Subharmonic Synthesizer
Yamaha SPX-90 digital effects processor
Alesis SampleRack Percussion Module
drum DDTi Drum trigger interface
Presonus Faderport
Alesis Masterlink ML-9600, 24 Bit (96kHz)
Tascam DA-30mkII DAT recorder
JVC TD-W718 double cassette deck
Speciality Microphones: AKG C414 XLS matched stereo set,
AKG 451B matched stereo pair
Blue Sky Media 5.1 Surround Monitoring
Adam A7X Studio Monitors